Motherland Energy Group Pvt. Ltd (MEG) :
Universal Consultancy Service is working as a sister organization of MEG. As MEG has almost nation wise coverage of working regarding to Micro-Hydro and solar works. MEG and UCS are agreed to arrange the awareness programmes/ meeting and demand collection of Biogas in it's working areas by using only it's staff or in association with UCS staff (as per understanding). Similarly awareness on IWM installation and promotion activates will also be implemented as one of its major activities.
Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) :
Motherland Energy Group (MEG) has set up close relationship with AEPC and getting support for reorganization of MEG in this sector.
Biogas Sector Partnership/ Nepal (BSP/N) :
Universal Consultancy Service (UCS) and Biogas Sector Partnership/ Nepal (BSP/N) signed an agreement to construct the biogas programme in Kathmandu valley. UCS is responsible to construct the biogas plant and provide guarantee and after sales services to the users where as BSP/N is responsible to monitor the plant and channel the subsidy to the users through UCS.
Nepal Biogas Promotion Association (NBPA) :
Universal Consultancy Service (UCS) set up the relationship with NBPG as this organization believes on the team work and took the active membership in the association of biogas company -NBPG. UCS is closely working with NBPG for the promotion, training and appliances management.
Community Awareness Development Centre (CADEC) :
Community Awareness Development Centre (CADEC) and Universal Consultancy Service (UCS) agreed to work jointly for the programme/ dissemination of Biogas plants in different VDCs of Lalitpur District. As per understanding CADEC will play the role for awareness creation and demand collection and UCS will work in the technical side (plant construction/after sale services/repairing et.)Accordingly, CADEC had already organized the awareness programmes in some VDCs of Lalitpur District and also collected the demands of about 25 plants; we are planning to start the construction after Dashain.
Paradigm Environmental Strategies Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore – 560038, Karnataka, India and Autark-Engineering Ltd. Zürich, Switzerland :
Paradigm Environmental Strategies Pvt. Ltd, (PES) India and Autark Engineering Ltd, (AE) Switzerland and Universal Consultancy Service (UCS) agreed to work jointly for development and dissemination of decentralized waste water treatment system in Nepal. PES and AE is responsible for designing the system where as UCS is responsible to implement the system. The project design work has already initiated in some resort and hotel for the implementation.
Micro Hydro Projects executive Committees :
Universal Consultancy Service (UCS), in association with MEG has established the relationship with different Micro Hydro user's group and organizes awareness programmes in the Community through them. As per the understanding the micro hydro operator/manager will act as a local representative /contact person of UCS and work.
Independent Masons and Supervisors :
Universal Consultancy Service (UCS) has also start to develop the linkage with the independent Masons and supervisors (not directly associated with any biogas company) and prepared the roster with the mutual understanding for working modality. So that it could be easier to use them as per necessity. Nevertheless, we are not able to gather the encouraging number of masons till now.
Sunlabob Renewable Energy Co. Ltd :
Solar 23 :